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Our story

The Asian Conversation (TAC) is an online journal that exposes the unsaid struggles of Asian, female-identifying young adults in Canada. TAC co-founders wanted to start the conversation after reflecting on their hobbies, experiences, and identities and realizing that they have all lived similar struggles. However, none of them felt that there was adequate discussion or resources available to amplify these voices. From completing an education to fitting in to finding jobs, TAC aims to provide a relatable and robust advice handbook in hopes of creating a safe space for this community. 

Sanjana Sadh

Sanjana (a.k.a. Jana) is a first-generation immigrant who grappled with the contrast between her nationality and ethnicity. As a child, she despised having a different identity than others, struggling to make sense of her South Asian heritage. However, she gradually realized the strength in one’s differences and began seeking opportunities to empower others in similar situations. This blog is her way of providing education and resources to females of Asian descent. She hopes to lend compassion and a helping hand to all those that need it. 

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Elizabeth He


Elizabeth is from Vancouver, BC and moved across the country to attend Queen’s University in Ontario after graduating highschool. Growing up as a Chinese-Canadian, she did not feel that there were enough conversations around asian experiences. However, she did not make an effort to reflect on this absence until starting university. Since then, Elizabeth has become dedicated to empowering minority voices and fostering identity-hood by co-founding The Asian Conversation.

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Hanna Lee

이 하나, 李美婷

Hanna is a first-generation immigrant on a journey to learn more about her Korean and Chinese identity. As a child, she rejected her Asian identity and culture; however, as a Queen’s University student in Ontario, she is constantly looking to learn further and embrace it. Her goal for this blog is to create conversations for young Asian women to engage in and relate to while building a community that will support each other; something she wished she had growing up. TAC is an opportunity to empower others going through challenging experiences due to their Asian identity.

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